Did you know that BeCandle offers a REFILL programme, where you can bring your jar back for refill, not only using just BeCandle’s jars but you can reuse any suitable glass jar! We really appreciate BeCandle team’s effort to offer this service, they even have a logistics team to come pick up these jars for refill at your door!
I guess we do share the same vision about circularity, and we’re happy to share the six metre long feature wall of upcycled needle punched fabric we created for BeCandle’s pop up at Festival Walk! And of course we have already planned the second life for these fabrics too, stay tuned!
We're excited to announce our incredible collaboration with Becandle! ♻️🛍️ Step into BeCandle's new pop up store at Festival Walk and discover our latest upcycled creations. From chic accessories to repurposed fashion gems, we're bringing you eco-friendly pieces that redefine modern style. Join us on this journey of fashion with a conscience! 🌟✨
自己除了是 @becandle_saikung 的忠實擁躉外──我尤其欣賞它們主動於全港以車隊回收及重用蠟燭容器,以達到源頭減廢的服務──和創辦人Xavier也相識多年,亦有幸於年前邀請他以嘉賓的身分於自己在香港大學教授的課堂和學生們分享他的創作理念和堅持。但要數到在設計上的合作,這還是頭一遭。
讓我意想不到的是,這個合作念頭,竟然源自二零二一年十一月Fashion Clinic在黃竹坑 @po_house 的陳列展。那時候我們剛剛購入針刺機,一切還停留在摸索階段,卻急不及待發佈實驗的成果。然而,據親身光臨的Xavier後來告訴我,當日那些布料新穎的顏色和觸感,給他留下深刻的印像,認為它們在美學和背後的理念都跟Be Candle不謀而合。
是故除了肩挽袋、ipad套、泰迪熊等一系列限定的聯乘產品外,Xavier還特意要求我們利用針刺機,製作一幅長六米、高兩米多的掛布,作為Be Candle 於九龍塘又一城全新pop-up store 內的裝飾,這也是我迄今為止最滿意的作品之一。在此再次感謝Be Candle對我們念念不忘,亦祝願你們業務蒸蒸日上。
#FashionClinicxBecandle #UpcycledFashion #SustainableStyle #FestivalWalk
August 2023